Cancer preparedness in Latin America: The need to build on recent progress

As a continuation of the global cancer preparedness project, for which I edited the main report, I edited a regional report focusing on Latin America.  The report looks at the diversity of the cancer challenge in Latin America, the current extent of efforts to address the disease, and the essential elements to building enhanced preparedness. 

Index of Cancer Preparedness reveals huge gaps in health system readiness and governance

This new index is a useful benchmarking tool to help policymakers and other key stakeholders to identify where their countries stand in cancer control compared with their peers and how they can boost their preparedness.

Insufficient policy response impedes lung-cancer control in Latin America

In September 2018 I went to Bogotá to present a new important research programme at The Economist Events' War on Cancer Latin America conference. Our study assesses the policy response to the deadliest cancer in the region.

Inequality in access to care undermines cancer-control efforts in Latin America

In July 2017 a study I edited was released: a major report on cancer control in Latin America, with a focus on inequality in access to care. The report is based on the Latin America Cancer Control Scorecard (LACCS), which assesses cancer-control policies and programmes in 12 Latin American countries. 

Cancer survivors need more integrated care pathways

In late 2016 I led a significant new research programme on cancer survivorship, which was  published in early 2017.

Developing countries are ill-equipped to manage the growing chronic-disease burden

For Davos 2017 The Economist Intelligence Unit has released a new report on the impact of non-communicable diseases in developing countries. I was the lead editor of the study.