Accelerating blue innovation and tech

Building a sustainable ocean economy requires all hands on deck. Read more for an overview of recent coverage and events on blue innovation and tech by the World Ocean Initiative.

Moderating at Island Finance Forum

This week I will be joining 6,000+ islanders from around the world at the Island Finance Forum organised by Island Innovation. Following an opening keynote by His Excellency Surangel Whipps Jr, President, Republic of Palau, I will moderate a session on "Building a Blue Future: Harnessing the Hope of the Ocean".

Speaking at the European Broadcasting Union’s Sustainability Summit

I am delighted to present about "The nuances of net zero and the new EU taxonomy" at theย European Broadcasting Union's Sustainability Summit. I will be joined by my colleague Emily Jackson-Kessler, SVP Sustainability, who will speak about The Economist Group's approach to climate risk.