Moderating at Economist Impact’s Countdown to COP28 event

I am looking forward to moderating three sessions at Economist Impact's 3rd annual Sustainability Week: Countdown to COP28 next week. They include sessions on the role of the CSO, manufacturing net zero and decarbonising hard-to-abate sectors.

5 key takeaways from Climate Week NYC

Great to be in New York City for Climate Week NYC last week, representing Forum for the Future. My 5 key takeaways are summarised here.

Participating in Destination Canada’s Innovate Canada Oceans event

Last week I was in Victoria, BC, Canada to attend Destination Canada’s Innovate Canada Oceans event. Great meetings with ocean innovators and leaders from Canada and beyond.

How to accelerate ocean regeneration in Mexico

It was great to participate in the first Forum for the Ocean in Cancun, Mexico, as part of the 11th Festival of the Oceans of the Mexican Caribbean. I was a keynote speaker on the theme of “Sustainable Use of Marine Biodiversity”. Read about my experience and presentation and watch the full video here.

The Future of Sustainability: Courage to Transform

Forum for the Future’s flagship report has been published. In this report, we’re asking: as the ‘polycrisis’ intensifies, where should businesses focus? How can they ensure short-term needs don’t compromise long-term transformation?