Completed Basecamp course at School of System Change

Basecamp is a 6-month part-time journey into the foundations of systems change practice. The course focuses on sharpening our understanding of systems change, using practical approaches to explore dynamics of change, and deepening our appreciation of how worldviews shape our thinking.

How to invest better in the blue economy

I moderated a great session on “How to invest better in the blue economy” at Economist Impact's recent World Ocean Summit in Lisbon. The session focused on how investors can identify companies that combine strong growth potential with a truly sustainable business model.

Moderating sessions on value chains at edie 24

I’m looking forward to hosting the “Scope 3 emissions and data management” session at the edie 24 event in London on Thursday. Among other things, I’ll be chairing a panel on “Unlocking the power of supply chains for deep decarbonisation”.

My TEDx talk has been published

I'm thrilled to share that my TEDx talk on "How a just & regenerative mindset can help us navigate the polycrisis" has been published on the TEDx Talks YouTube channel.

Moderating 6 sessions at the World Ocean Summit in Lisbon

Join me at Economist Impact’s 11th annual World Ocean Summit in Lisbon next week where I will be moderating 6 sessions, including the blue foods track. The event is taking place on March 11th-13th 2024, at Lisbon Congress Center, Lisbon, Portugal.

Key takeaways from Global Sustainability Partnership Network in Manchester

Last week I attended and spoke at Global Sustainability Partnership Network in Manchester. It was great to meet sustainability leaders to discuss how to work together to transform business, supply chains and the wider systems in which we operate. Here are my key takeaways.

Speaking about global supply chains at Economist Impact’s Sustainability Week

Join me at Economist Impact’s 9th annual Sustainability Week, where I will be speaking this week. The event will take place on March 4th-6th 2024, in London, UK and virtual. I will be on a panel to discuss “Scaling local solutions for global supply chains” on Tuesday March 5th 2024, 17:00 GMT.